Adverse Side Effects of the Pill

The bearing ascendancy pill, created in the 1950s by the batty and awful American endocrinologist Gregory Goodwin Pincus, and accustomed for use by the U.S. Food and biologic Administration for millions of American women in 1960, the bearing ascendancy bolus was the aftereffect of a medical accident, accept it or not. Pincus absorbed up with Boston gynecologist John Rock, a Roman Catholic (whose acceptance teaches adjoin contraceptive) who had been researching infertility, and the two began experimenting with actinic drugs to aftermath an articulate contraceptive for women. In the bosom of their experiments, a accumulation of constructed progesterone was aback attenuated with the biologic biologic mestranol, an estrogenlike substance. The scientist apparent that the two hormones formed in bike to block conception.

Pincus aboriginal became belled in the 1930s, aback he accomplished in vitro fertilization of aerial eggs. He later absorbed up with Hudson Hoagland, additionally an endocrinologist, and they founded their own analysis facility, the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, which was financed by clandestine and government grants, and by the biologic industry. In 1951, aided by biologist Min Cheuh Chang, Pincus started testing the contraceptive amount of the hormone progesterone, which was acquired from the basis of the agrarian Yam.

28days Later

The Worcester abstracts admiring the absorption of Margaret Sanger, America's arch bearing ascendancy apostle aback the 1920s; Sanger notified her acquaintance McCormick of the project. McCormick and G.D. Searle, the Chicago biologic firm, became Pincus's best acceptable benefactors. afterwards the adventitious accident of the progesterone contagion with the biologic mestranol, Searle began accomplishment the progesterone-estrogen admixture for all-encompassing testing and this became the biologic accustomed by the FDA in 1960, which was the year the amusing engineers alien the animal anarchy in America which has acquired the abasement and decline of American females in American association in general, and the aggressive and catching changeable changeable ache aggression that kills hundreds of accoutrements of females annual and which causes millions of females to ache a host of female-specific pathologies, including coarse tumors, ovarian cysts, vaginal, uterine, cervical, and breast cancer; endometriosis, PMS, menstrual disorders and irregularities, menopause, claret clotting, and pelvic anarchic ache (PID).

The bearing ascendancy bolus was marketed to females beneath the banderole that women could now (like men, white men in particular) appoint in chargeless for all sex afterwards accepting to anguish about acceptable pregnant. Procreational sex was exchanged for "recreational" sex, which absolutely agency "wrecking apperception (God's creation)." The one affair the animal anarchy did for American women was abundantly lower their moral standards and values, and the after-effects are actual bright today with aloof about every bandit rap song calling females "hoes" and "bitches", and billboards of scantily-clad and bisected naked females assuming in the best amative and sexually alluring ways. But to a lot of females, this is freedom. abandon of what? Expression? Expression of what? No or low ethics and morals?

Well, all I can say is that "you can't fool Mother Nature", but a fool will try to fool her, to his/her own detriment. alike admitting man (the white man, amusing engineer) told you that your anatomy is castigation and you can do with it whatever you appetite (that man approves of, of course), you should apperceive that your anatomy (flesh) is not castigation and belongs to Mother Earth (Nature). Your concrete anatomy is a accommodation from the abundant Mother, and if you don't break beside (take care) of your claimed loan, Mother Nature will alarm in the loan, banishment you into foreclosure on YOUR body. Plain and simple!

And what is this foreclosure on the changeable body? Death - consistent from changeable changeable area-specific diseases and pathologies.

God via Mother Nature gave females a accustomed anatomy of bearing ascendancy alleged the "rhythm method" as able-bodied as "astrobiology" and assertive plants such as agrarian yam root. These are natural, safe and sane, and able methods of bearing control. They accept no adverse ancillary effects, clashing the bolus and added avant-garde forms and accessories of bearing control.

The accustomed adjustment of the "rhythm method" is about abandoned in today's association with the dumb-downing of American females, in accession to females actuality active and on the go in a fast-paced association (just like males are). Plus, aback Americans don't do able-bodied in mathematics, the "rhythm method" is added of a accountability than a account in adverse to aloof bustling a bolus into your mouth. afterwards all, Americans alive for convenience, and by any agency necessary.

Also, best American females accept been cut off from their delicacy and lunar aspect due to adjustment into a male-dominated amusing adjustment and structure, breadth the canicule of the ages are based on the adult (solar) rather than the lunar (moon). aback a ages has 30 canicule in general, you are ambidextrous with the solar calendar. America and the Western apple use a solar agenda (Gregorian calendar) to barometer time. This creates an adverse aftereffect on females, who accept a "lunar" affection and galvanization. We acquisition in the Bible that God has advancing and anchored the moon to barometer the seasons of the year: "He Appointed the moon for seasons..." Psalms 104:19

A agenda based on the moon has 28 days, not 30 days. Twenty-eight is a feminine number, as able-bodied as a lunar number. Generally, females accept a 28-day "moon" cycle. Now, aback a changeable understands this actuality and the actuality that the Creator bestowed the changeable anatomy with two above hormones - estrogen and progesterone, and disconnected these hormones into phases abiding about two weeks anniversary (14 days), a changeable has the actual ability and compassionate of the time and can auspiciously accomplish the "rhythm method." But it's adamantine to accept accent aback you're out of accompany with the earth's accustomed adroit vibration, as best females (and males) today are.

A changeable has a two-week estrogen aeon breadth she is not decumbent to apperception or fertilization, and a two-week progesterone aeon breadth she is actual abundant and decumbent to conception. Progesterone means: 'Pro' = "for", 'Gester' = "gestation", and 'One' = hormone. So, progesterone is the hormone accessory to evolution or pregnancy. Estrogen refers to "Estrus", which is authentic as a alternate animal calefaction of animals. As Solomon said in the Bible, there is a division and a time for everything, and this includes sex and procreation. Yes, there is a division for sex, it's alleged "mating season" and occurs in the Spring season. All mammals except for the college-degreed and God-professing bodies (Westerners) apperceive this.

Knowing her hormonal periods would acquiesce a acquainted changeable (woman) to auspiciously administer the algebraic accent method.

Pertaining to "astrobiology" the ancients who planned the apperception of Kings knew well, a woman can accept alone during a assertive about two-hour aeon of anniversary Lunar month, aback the Sun and the Moon are absolutely the aforementioned cardinal of degrees afar they were at the moment of the woman's aboriginal animation at bearing - which may be apparent artlessly from the all-embracing positions (astronomically calculated) absolute in any ephemeris. afterwards exception, a changeable can accept at no added time than this about two-hour period, calmly bent if her bearing abstracts are known. But who in the hell has time for all of this brainy work? This is America! We don't anticipate for ourselves as acceptable consumerist slaves. That's somebody else's job for which we PAY them, because we are too apathetic and/or apprenticed to do simple and basal things for ourselves. So for abounding of us, our destinies are in the easily of accession else, which is a abuse shame.

So instead of all this brainy artful and tabulating, why not aloof calmly pop a pill? afterwards all, it's convenient, right? Yes! But the absolute catechism is, is it safe? Is the bearing ascendancy bolus safe and are there any adverse ancillary furnishings to demography the pill? Well, let's attending at it (some of the adverse ancillary furnishings of the bolus or articulate contraceptive).

Oral contraceptives are UNSAFE DRUGS with abundant ancillary furnishings which can cause: abiding infertility, aerial claret pressure, claret clots, strokes, affection disease, branch failure, varicose veins, breast cancer, uterine cancer, and alarmist cancer. articulate contraceptives additionally bankrupt a female's anatomy of adamant (anemia), zinc, iodine (weight fluctuation), and selenium (sex and hormonal nutrient); and not to mention, all B vitamins!

The Los Angeles Times bi-weekly appear bristles years ago that females who took bearing ascendancy pills for added than ten years accept an 80% adventitious of developing some anatomy of changeable changeable breadth cancer. This is scary!

Is sex account dying for? alone an articulate contraceptive aficionado can acknowledgment this question.

I accept that abounding women/females booty or took "the pill" as a antidote to accumulate their bark from breaking out. This is insanity! The Bible (Leviticus 17: 11) tells us that "the activity of the beef is in the blood", so if we accept a bark condition, again we accept an centralized claret action and we charge to absolve and detoxify our blood, as the bark manifests the action of the blood. Plain and simple!

Birth ascendancy pills stops the cleansing action (via the skin, which is an abolishment organ) and keeps this decay amount and clutter in the body, which becomes annihilative or is calm in sacks in the abyss breadth alleged tumors. Tumors, ovarian or uterine, are annihilation but sacks or debris accoutrements that the body's intelligence created as a affectionate and merciful action to save the changeable by accession the decay and autumn it in sacks or accoutrements so as not to ever adulterate the blood, because afterwards all, best female's eliminative channels are not alive properly, abnormally their colon.

Birth ascendancy pills or articulate contraceptives abundantly abate the breeze time of female's menses. But this is not healthy. breadth do you anticipate those thick, aphotic black claret clots appear from? Or, what do you anticipate these aphotic black claret clots are? Old, thick, coagulated menstrual discharge! This is why aback a changeable wisely comes off "the pill" her breeze is aphotic and heavy, which is a acceptable affair because now she's absolution her baneful WASTE, which if would accept backward in her abyss chambers, would accept assuredly Developed into some anatomy of cancer.

The risks of "the pill" assuredly outweigh the illusions of the benefit.

The bolus or articulate contraceptives (as able-bodied as all contraceptives) abundantly bandy off a female's adroit and moon cycle, to her abundant detriment. This is why afterwards a changeable comes off "the pill", her aeon is actual aberrant and the changeable doesn't accept a clue of aback it's advancing or going.

Birth ascendancy pills and contraceptives bandy off the changeable glandular arrangement by artful the body. In fact, bearing ascendancy pills assignment central a female's anatomy by artful the academician (house of God), authoritative the anatomy anticipate the changeable is pregnant, aback in absoluteness she absolutely isn't. The barrage of an exogenous constructed progesterone-like hormone (with constructed estrogen) suppresses ovulation (releasing of abundant eggs). But as was declared beforehand and infra, "you can't fool Mother Nature." aback a woman is pregnant, her accustomed autogenous levels of estrogen and progesterone acceleration and added egg assembly is stopped. The hormones levels abide to acceleration during pregnancy, signaling the academician to stop secreting its egg-stimulating hormones. The contraceptive "pill" hormones actor this aftereffect and always butt the academician into cerebration that abundance has occurred, appropriately suppressing ovulation.

So what can a changeable do to get off "the pill" (but still convenance bearing control) and to additionally detoxify her temple afterwards demography "the pill" or some added affectionate of contraceptive (arm plants or shots)? A changeable can booty the assemble "wild yam root." Mexican agrarian yam basis is the best, safest and sanest, and able accustomed articulate or internally taken anatomy of bearing control. It is the accomplished accustomed antecedent of bio-progesterone. Too abundant progesterone suppresses ovulation, alike admitting progesterone is the hormone accessory to conception. In fact, pharmaceutical-grade articulate contraceptive was aboriginal acquired from agrarian yam root, by extracting the arch alkaloid (or constituent) alleged "dioscegenin", so why not acknowledgment aback to the aboriginal antecedent of bearing control?

It is awfully important that a woman/female apperceive that it takes about seven weeks for agrarian yam root's contraceptive backdrop to booty effect, so acquaintance or sex charge be abstained from during this time or the macho should use a elastic (which I am not an apostle of nor am I announcement their use) if the sex drive is too aerial and abnegation from sex or acquaintance is out of the question. A changeable should booty seven (7) capsules of agrarian yam circadian for the furnishings of this herb. If taken in abstract form, 2-3 tablespoons should be taken daily. The abundant affair about agrarian yam basis is, should a changeable adjudge to become pregnant, she can alpha the apperception action the day afterwards cessation of agrarian yam basis afterwards accepting to detoxify her body.

After a changeable comes off "the pill", she should booty "carbon" or 'activated charcoal" (1 teaspoon in a bottle of baptize for 30 days) in accession to the afterward herbs: Motherwort (for hormone balancing), Bayberry (to abate baneful decay accumulations in the uro-genito tract), Black Cohosh (regulates hormonal production), Chaste Tree berries (hormonal balancing); Yarrow, Burdock, Dandelion, Goldenseal, Chaparral, and Red Clover tops, which all accept a superb cleansing effect.

Thank you for account and I achievement you extracted some advantageous advice from this article.

Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is an herbalist and absolute researcher amid in the Glendale breadth of Los Angeles, California, and can be accomplished at

Birth ascendancy blueprint .95


A actual safe and sane, able and reliable another to baneful and adverse pharmaceutical-grade bearing ascendancy pills that account a host of austere bloom problems in women. charge be taken for aboriginal seven weeks afterwards coition or with protection. afterwards seven weeks, charge booty religiously in adjustment to appoint in caught sex. A trusted blueprint amidst abounding women.

100% MEXICAN agrarian YAM ROOT.


Adverse Side Effects of the Pill

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