Funeral of the Ovum

The alternate disembogument of blood, fungus and assertive added substances from the uterus in the changeable activity of changeable at an boilerplate breach of 28 days. It materializes from adolescence to menopause. It is absent afore puberty, during abundance and afterwards menopause that is at the age of 45-50 years. The breeze continues for 4-6 canicule afterwards any abundant pain. It is affected of claret which may be 30-40 ml, beggared endometrium, mucus, leucocytes and unfertilized ovum. The menstrual claret which oozes out from the uterus clots anon due to active accumulation of fibrin. If the claret prevails in the uterus, fibrin is sublimated on the endometrium and as a aftereffect there is bitty clotting. Intra-uterine clots if preserved for a abiding time adulterate due to the activity of plasmin.

Throughout anniversary aeon uterine film gradually hypertrophies. The entire ambition is to accumulate a acceptable bed for the accession and article of the fertilized ovum. If abundance takes abode the proliferated film gets metamorphosed into placenta. If abundance does not befall, the hypertrophied film seizes bottomward and is voided as menstruation. Menstruation, therefore, may be appointed as 'funeral of unfertilized ovum' or the 'weeping of the uterus for the absent ovum'. Menstruation has four junctures:

28days Later

1. Resting of Follicular Phase
2. Proliferative Phase
3. Premenstrual or Luteal Phase
4. Destructive or Menstrual Phase

a. Resting or Follicular Phase

Its continuance is of 1-5 days. The endometrium mends and becomes normal. Decelerate proliferative changes occur. bulk luteum has wretched. Inhibitory activity of progesterone is absent, hence, follicles ploddingly crumbling and the oestrogen beard looming. Urine contains oestriol and oestrone whose akin climbs up later on. The proliferative changes are due the aftereffect of oestrogens from the crumbling follicles whose beard is controlled by the corpuscle aesthetic hormone of antecedent pituitary.

b. Proliferative Phase

Its continuance is of 6-14 canicule i.e., until ovulation. During this appearance the film congeals and becomes added vascular. Endometrial glands become extended, tortuous, attenuated and straight. Vessels rather dilate, the end of the secretory vacuoles apparent beneath the nuclei of glandular cells. During this appearance the Graafian follicles alpha crumbling and the oestrogen beard increases. On the 14th day ovulation springs up and the accumulation of bulk luteum starts. The urine has best agreeable of oestrogen. Injection of oestrogen in the ovariectomized animals fabricates aforementioned changes. This appearance is controlled by the follicular aesthetic hormone of antecedent pituitary which is assuredly inhibited by aerial oestrogen level.

c. Premenstrual or Luteal Phase

Its continuance is of 15-28 days. The film intricates further, glands become added aggrandized and aggrandized with mucus, capillaries aggrandized like sinus, trickling of bright or claret decrepit fluid. Proliferation of stroma cells, secretory vacuoles all-around glycogen appear aloft the nuclei. Progesterone buried inhibits added maturation of the follicles. bulk luteum grasps best admeasurement on the 19th day and its advance continues till the 27th day and again degenerates on the 28th day. Urine has pregnanediol which appears 2-3 canicule afterwards ovulation and soars to best about one anniversary afore the aeon and avalanche 2-3 canicule afore the breeze starts. Oestrogen akin falls. accumulation of bulk luteum and beard of progesterone is controlled by leutinizing hormone and the leutotrophic hormone of the antecedent pituitary. Voiding of the menstrual aqueous is aided by the attendance of assertive prostaglandins.

d. Destructive or Menstrual Phase

It starts on the 28th day. Its continuance is of 4-6 days. During this appearance capillaries breach and haemorrhage occurs. Superficial endometrium with pseudodecidual stroma and anfractuous glands are sloughed off but the Basal band lingers unscathed. bulk luteum degenerates because the placental gonadotropins which are capital for the advance of bulk luteum are absent. In absence of abundance no placenta forms hence, bulk luteum degenerates. Lack of progesterone is additionally amenable for menstrual flow.

Oestrogen akin is at minimum during menstruation and escalates during follicular phase. afterwards ovulation it avalanche to a plateau. Progesterone achievement appears to be at low akin during the follicular phase. It commences aloof afore tthe ovulation and alcove acme anon afterwards thereafter crumbling until the abutting menstrual bleed. In accustomed menstrual aeon there is a blast of lutenizing hormone during the time of ovulation.

Thus, it can be bedevilled that the action of menstruation is actual capital for a cardinal of activity action to booty abode in the anatomy of a female.

Funeral of the Ovum

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