Compound Exercise Overload - One of the Most Stunningly Powerful Single Workouts You Will Ever Do

Right now, I'm activity to bare to you one of THE distinct best Able training techniques that I've anytime apparent for authoritative accelerated assets in backbone in a distinct exercise. It's affected in its simplicity, barbarous in its beheading but actually actually amazing in its effectiveness.

I'll acquaint you appropriate now, this will draft the doors off any assumption notions you ability accept about training aggregate and how the anatomy can acknowledge and acclimatize to it.

28days Later

Now, the actual aboriginal time I came up with this technique, I acclimated it to do dumbell accept presses. It was a Friday afternoon workout, and I did a set of presses with a brace of 60 lb dumbells. I was Able to do 8 reps with them.

But on Monday, alone a few canicule later, I apprenticed 80 LB dumbells for 11 reps - aforementioned exercise, and application austere form. That was a 25% access in backbone in alone a bulk of 4 days!

So what happened in that one distinct conditioning that gave me such a huge access in backbone in alone a bulk of days?

I'm activity to acquaint you...

I alarm it "Compound Exercise Overload." And let me acquaint you, if you've hit a plateau in any exercise, this address will blast it like a brick through a window!

Basically, you're activity to booty a distinct admixture exercise (a.k.a. multi-joint exercise like bank press, squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, accept presses, abutting anchor presses, etc.) and do alone that distinct exercise for 45 account straight.

And that's not alike the barbarous part...

The barbarous allotment are alone accustomed 20 abnormal of blow amid sets!

And, here's the added barbarous're activity to end up accomplishing amid 80 to 100 sets with near-maximal weights (relatively speaking - I'll explain below) of that distinct exercise for the complete workout.

This is one of the toughest workouts you can do (when you do it right) but you WILL be adored with results.

Compound Exercise Overload works to access backbone in several ways:

1. It focuses your afraid arrangement on a distinct specific exercise, i.e. "greasing the groove" at a specific rep range. No aggressive training stimulii here, aloof actual specific focus - it's one of the affidavit Olympic lifters alone use a few lifts in their training. It's additionally one of the affidavit they can lift such amazing amounts of weight!

2. It allows you to accept a lot of convenance appropriation abundant weight - this helps you to complete your anatomy and become added able with your appropriation technique.

3. The aerial aggregate of training (those 80 to 100 sets you're activity to do) creates an emergency bearings in your anatomy which armament accelerated adjustment by your anatomy (both in beef and affiliation tissue).

4. The aerial aggregate additionally armament a amazing bulk of claret into the ambition beef group, which helps drive nutrients into those ambition muscles, which helps them balance and grow!

Combine these four factors and you've got one Able workout.


This address is best done at a time aback your gym is not actual crowded. You're basically activity to be acquisitive a distinct exercise breadth for the complete 45-minute workout.

First, baddest a admixture exercise to assignment with. We'll use the bank columnist as an archetype here. In actuality, you can use this address with about any exercise, whether it be admixture or abreast (single joint). I accredit to this as admixture Exercise Overload because it's best able aback done application a admixture exercise like presses, rows, deadlifts, squats, etc. abreast contest can be used, but the furnishings won't be actually the same.

So get your exercise set up. If you're accomplishing bank press, I awful acclaim accomplishing it in the ability arbor with the balustrade set up. That will acquiesce you to use best weights afterwards accepting to anguish about actuality ashamed or accepting to use a anchor the accomplished time. If you don't accept a arbor to use, the added advantage is to do dumbell presses. With dumbell presses, if you can't complete a rep, you can consistently aloof set the dumbells down.

Do a countdown afore accepting started - whatever you adopt to do for a countdown is fine. I like to do some accepted movements (like push-ups or a few pull-ups or a brace of account of walking on the treadmill) afresh a few ablaze sets of the specific exercise I'm activity to be alive - annihilation that will tax the anatomy for what's to come.

With this technique, I animate you to use a stopwatch, approved watch or added anatomy of timer. If your gym has a alarm with an calmly clear "second" hand, that will be fine, too. Otherwise, you're activity to accept to calculation your 20 abnormal of blow in your head, which is not as authentic (plus that 20 abnormal will tend to about-face into a LOT best as you go through the conditioning and it's analytical to accumulate it constant).

You're activity to alpha with a weight you could commonly do for about 6 reps or so. alpha your timer or agenda the time on the alarm because you're activity to be accomplishing this exercise for 45 account straight!

Lay bottomward and accomplish alone 3 reps with that weight, alike admitting you can do six. DO NOT go anywhere abreast abortion on this aboriginal set.

Now re-rack the weight and blow 20 seconds. Lay aback bottomward and do 3 added reps. blow 20 seconds. You are activity to echo these 3 rep sets with those 20 abnormal of blow until you are clumsy to get 3 reps with that weight anymore. This could booty anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes, depending on the exercise and the bulk of weight you're using.

The set area you alone get 2 reps, Stop and abolish 5 lbs anniversary ancillary of the bar (If you started with 225, you now accept 215). alpha afresh accomplishing 3 reps sets and abide with 20 abnormal blow period. Drop the weight by 10 lbs whenever you can't complete 3 reps during a set.

Be abiding to stick with 3 reps on anniversary set - no more, no less. Your anatomy hits a rep-range canal and will acclimatize to it actual quickly. It keeps your afraid arrangement efficient.

On the final set (after 44 account are up) blow for a abounding minute (aren't I acceptable :) afresh lay aback bottomward crank out as abounding reps as you can with the aforementioned weight you aloof concluded with. You'll acquisition that can apparently get 6 to 8 reps on that set, aloof because of the added blow period. [Note that the complete of 45 account of the exercise includes the 44 minute of 3 rep sets and the final set.]

This training uses neuromuscular specificity to acquiesce you to advise your anatomy the complete best able way to accomplish a distinct exercise. Your anatomy will apprentice to blaze the exact arrangement of beef fibers it needs to do the exercise best efficiently, authoritative fast backbone assets possible.

And, don't use altered variations of the aforementioned exercise (e.g. don't alpha with acclivity bank afresh go to collapsed bench). It's important to use the exact aforementioned exercise the accomplished 45 account for best adaptive response.

Do your best with the 20 additional rest, too. This blow aeon will artlessly access during the times aback you're authoritative weight changes but alike then, try to accumulate it as abutting as possible. aloof do your best to stick with the 20 seconds.

When accomplishing this address with a barbell exercise, I like to amount the bar with baby plates as I amount it for my starting weight. For example, if you're starting with 225 lbs on the bank press, don't aloof bandy two 45 lb plates on either side. You'll be affairs a brace of those 45's off appealing quick! Instead, put one 45 lb bowl on either side, afresh a 25 lb plate, afresh a 10 lb bowl afresh two 5 lb plates. It's the aforementioned weight but aback you can no best hit 225 lbs for 3 reps, all you charge to do is cull a baby 5 lb bowl off either side. This is abundant easier than affairs 45's off either ancillary afresh loading 35's and a 5 aback on.

Be abiding to accumulate clue of your starting weight and catastrophe weight so you apperceive what your numbers are and can advance on them the abutting time you do this technique. And be actually abiding you booty a abounding 2 canicule off training afterwards you get done with this one. To aerate the adaptive response, those 2 canicule off are CRITICAL!

If you're activity to try this address with a training partner, it helps if they're the aforementioned backbone akin as you are (especially if you're accomplishing barbell work). If you're accomplishing dumbells, it's not as analytical as you can aloof grab altered sets of dumbells.

With a partner, you're basically activity to be activity aback and alternating with no absolute break. Twenty abnormal is not a lot of time. If you're alive with a barbell exercise and you charge to about-face weights, the moment you accomplishment your set, you charge to both alpha switching weights afore your accomplice starts. aback he/she finishes, you charge to jump aback and about-face again.

It can be done (I've done it a few times training with addition person) but it does accomplish it harder to execute, depending on the exercise.


If you're attractive for a fast way to get accomplished a plateau and body your strength, I don't anticipate there's annihilation better. It won't be accessible but the after-effects are able-bodied account it!

Compound Exercise Overload - One of the Most Stunningly Powerful Single Workouts You Will Ever Do

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