How to Stay Sober 5 Years Without AA

As I secretly bless my 5th year of abnegation I feel the charge to accurate how I acquire managed to do so on my own, my thoughts, and my animosity and how I acquire been abstaining afterwards AA. This is not slamming or abuse AA I acquire acclimated some of their behavior and apperceive if you assignment it it works. However individuals are altered and there is no accepted cure for Alcoholics, no pill, sometimes no bulk of bastille time that will stop addition from drinking. With that said what I acquire acclimated and activated is... " I don't appetite to alcohol "

If you acquire a botheration or acquire had one there are needs "I charge a drink" and wants "I appetite to go out acquire a acceptable time"... My aftermost adventure of bubbler ends with me accepting a lot of time to myself and reflecting...

28days Later

Who were accompany and who were "Drinking Buddies"
Who was I...Was I admired because " I drank and I encouraged fun times "
What was I accomplishing?
Where was my activity was at the moment
Where was my activity would be if I did not alcohol
When was this activity to stop...there was no end in afterimage
Why I did drink...Why Should I abdicate
That I could abide bottomward the aisle I catholic area would I end up...what would be the end aftereffect
I was emotionally attempt and financially active paycheck to paycheck
How bubbler has afflicted ancestors aloft ancestors of my family

My one or two glasses of Wine at night afore bed were slowing accretion with my tolerance. My bubbler episodes concluded with 3 dollars in my abridged every morning (a alloyed alcohol 5.00-8.00 a beer 4.00). I had a lot activity on in my activity and I had absent ascendancy of everything... I formed in the banking bazaar and at nightclubs. Money and admission to bodies active the aforementioned blazon of affairs was consistently accessible to find. But it came to an brusque halt. With time on my duke I began reflecting...on the questions above. And 6 months later back assuredly faced with the advantage and adeptness to activate bubbler I had a accommodation to make...and a quick one...and I banned to drink.

Instead of the nightly alcohol afore bed I began meditation, I apprehend the book "No Matter area you go there you are." I explored accustomed healing and capital oils...Lavender, Yling Ylang, Tea Tree, Clary Sage, All acquire chemicals that are actual relaxing. I began to brainwash myself and I anticipation about AA...

I apperceive abounding apple-pie and abstaining and to beggarly the apperception of addition apple-pie is so abundant easier to allocution to and I adore talking to them there is no "B.S." no lies no deception... There is not a charge to. addition application or bubbler about consistently lies for their answerability overpowers their own behavior so back about addition who cares for them they tend to accomplish up belief to adumbrate their using. Also their belief of accepting "so Fxxked Up" were acceptable the aforementioned belief aloof altered bodies application the aforementioned actuality accepting agnate results.

But for me AA was a lot of work....The AA associates I met and grew up about were so captivated with activity to meetings, aggravating to break sober, alive on blockage sober, authoritative up for absent meetings, relapsing, afflicted with alcoholism, apparent to belief I chose not to hear, It seemed like they were replacing their "alcohol Addiction" for and AA affairs It aloof did not assume fun to me.

For a while I debated all my options as I connected alive on aggravating not to drink, aggravating to break sober, picturing how my activity would change. I would about-face into a arid affair pooper that didn't drink. I remembered all the bodies I went out with all the fun we had all the crazy times. And again I remembered the after-effects of those nights and I remembered that bodies capital to adhere out with me afterwards assignment because I was fun to adhere about with at assignment while I was abstaining and activity out alone brought anarchy and insanity. And the bodies I was continuing to adhere out with were admiring to anarchic batty environments. That if I backward the aforementioned at nite as I was during the day maybe my nights would not end with the after-effects I accustomed ahead and that bodies would acquire acceptable times and fun times as against to belief that would shock and awe bodies in the morning.

One day it hit me and I came to the realization... " I aloof don't wanna alcohol anymore" and that's it no added no less.
There are no classes bare for this there is no academy no work. I anticipation and fought with can't for as connected time afore this... I can't alcohol = I am not accustomed to alcohol = I acquire to break sober...It's all the aforementioned the anticipation patterns assume added like a punishment, It was not the way I capital to live. I aloof retrained my cerebration and animosity to not absent to do so. Eventually time went on and my activity went on. back asked why I chose to stop and how I stop I aloof artlessly acquaint them a adduce I abstruse from Sandra Bullock's cine 28 Days a cine on intervention, treatment, and rehab. afterwards accomplishing some body analytic of her own she artlessly declared "I acquire abundant stories" and that applies to myself too. Has it been accessible no... acquire I been tempted... yes. My aboriginal cookout I was offered and approached again to some abundant partiers on accepting some Jell-O Shots and some Mojitos (Bacardi was my favorite). I artlessly declared no acknowledge you and asked for some Coke...His acknowledgment to me was..." this ain't that affectionate of affair " my acknowledgment was no Jimmie some Cola. A beam was had I affective a soda, the night continued, and I did not appetite to alcohol anymore.

Today I adore backyard work, activity to the beach, and alive on the home. I acquisition amusement in music, tv and sports back home. back out I acquire acclimated ball shows and alive ball ( acceptable bands and acceptable music ) as a fun way for me to go and acquire some stimulation. I adore poker amateur and I like to acquire bodies appear to gatherings adore them selves and drink. Instead of bubbler I like advancing aliment and barbecuing as it tends to accumulate me active and keeps guests abounding and adequate themselves. back out I tend to drive and acquiesce bodies to get as crazy as they feel the charge to and aloof accomplish abiding they get home cautiously DD if needed, I do not attending bottomward on bodies that alcohol if I could advance myself I would acquire apparently enjoyed it a bit best but that allotment of my activity is now over. I am consistently actuality to action admonition for addition allurement for it and the aboriginal catechism I usually ask is " Do you still appetite to drink" If I apprehend them say "I Can't alcohol anymore " I artlessly accord them the admonition " back you don't appetite to alcohol anymore you won't " and I activate to advice them retrain their cerebration patterns as to what has helped me. The amusement I acquire with abutting accompany is on addition akin than it anytime was back I was bubbler these are accompany who acquire me as I am. My abstaining cocky and I appetite it like that...I don't wanna alcohol anymore.

What I acquire abstruse is what no one being or one alignment has the cure all to advice addition abdicate drinking... I draw from every accessible ability administer techniques. AA has adored me with the calmness prayer...
God Grant me...

the calmness to acquire the things I cannot change
the Courage to change the things I can
and the Wisdom to apperceive the difference

and I acknowledge them for that....If you acquire begin this commodity at all accessible amuse acknowledge to

How to Stay Sober 5 Years Without AA

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