Breast Cancer: Fancy Gadget and Half A Million Ringgit Failed to Cure Her - What Now?

May (not absolute name) is a 39-year-old-female. In mid-2008 she delivered her child. Two months afore delivery, she noticed the hardening of her larboard breast. Ultrasonography did not appearance annihilation wrong. The doctor appropriate it could be due to the breast actuality engorged with her milk. Although she breast fed her babyish the breast remained hard. There was no botheration with her appropriate breast. She went to argue adjustment doctors and all of them came to the aforementioned cessation - no problem!

Utrasonograhy of her breasts on 1 December 2008 adumbrated diffused anarchic process. The larboard nipple was retracted. Conclusion: apparently broadcast mastitis. A biopsy is advisable. Subsequent aggravate biopsy done did not appearance any malignancy. Not satisfied, a tru-cut biopsy was done on 29 January 2009. The aftereffect showed aberant admeasurement of beef evocative of an afterwards ductal carcinoma. An accessible biopsy of the breast agglomeration accepted invasive ductal blight with aerial brand intra-ductal carcinoma.

28days Later

May approved a additional assessment from a doctor in a clandestine hospital in Singapore. The analysis accelerate was restudied. It was assured that it was a ductal blight in-situ, average brand with comedonecrosis and infiltrative ductal carcinoma.

CT browse done on 31 January 2009 showed: a) no metastataic deposits in the liver, b) several angled arthritic lesions apparent in the thoracic and aerial lumbar back apprehensive of metastatic lesions, c) a tiny birthmark in the aerial affiliate of the appropriate lung - apparently a aloof pulmonary metastatic nodule. A cartilage browse accepted awkward metastases at the larboard scapula, larboard third rib and sites forth the spine.

Histopathology address showed blight beef are immunopositive for oestrogen rerceptors and progesterone receptors. HER2 oncoprotein is overexpressed.

May was brash to alpha chemotherapy immediately. The aboriginal chemo-treatment started on 2 February 2009. A pump was adapted to continuously bear 5-FU. May additionally accustomed two doses of Navelbine for anniversary 5-FU cycle. In addition, May was accustomed Zometa for the bone. In absolute May accustomed 13 cycles of chemotherapy from February 2009 to October 2009.

At this point I asked two questions:

1. What did the oncologist say about the affairs of a cure? The acknowledgment was: The doctor said there would be no cure. The analysis was alone to ascendancy the problem.
2. You charge accept spent a lot for this treatment? The answer: Yes, about RM 500,000. That is bisected a actor ringgit - right? Yes, it is.

A CT browse on 27 April 2009 showed: a) a aloof pulmonary birthmark in the appropriate average lobe. This measures beneath than 5 mm. It shows no change from antecedent examination, b) assorted arthritic awkward lesions. These were already acclaimed in the antecedent CT scan.

May went to China for accession assessment in May 2009. A PET /CT browse was done. The doctors in China assured that May's action had stabilised and there was no charge for treatment.

A CT browse done on 12 October 2009 showed the blight had stabilised. However, throughout the accomplished ages of October 2009, May complained of headaches, pains in the abutting and shoulder. The oncologist said the pains had annihilation to do with her cancer!

In October 2009, May completed her 13th chemo analysis in Singapore.

In November 2009, May went to India for added analysis application the Cytotron (Cytotron is the barter name of the accessory Developed in India. It looks like a MRI apparatus that uses Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Generator).

May accustomed an hour of Cytotron analysis per day. While ability the Cytotron treatment, May connected to accept the 5-FU-Navelbine dieting (the 14th cycle). The analysis was appointed for a absolute of 28 days but afterwards the 20th tretment, May Developed bad coughs and chest pain. The doctor anticipation this was due to pneumonia and she was accustomed antibiotics and ahem syrup. An X-ray adumbrated larboard pleural address (i.e., aqueous in the lung). A anniversary later the pains still persisted and the coughs became bad whenever May moved. A CT browse was ordered and appear pulmonary array (blockage of the arteries in the lungs by claret clots that biking to the lungs from added genitalia of the body). May was put on Heparin, an anti-blood agglomeration medication.

May alternate to Malaysia in mid-December 2009. May started to accept pains again. Her conciseness of animation additionally persisted. She coughed wherever she moved. The oncologist in Kuala Lumpur mentioned that the blight appeared abiding and there was no bustle to abide with chemotherapy but the pulmonary array had to be bound first. May was assigned Warfarin. Her pulmonary array austere off.

A PET CT browse on 23 February 2010 showed abiding results. The oncologist said no added chemotherapy was all-important for the time being. But May had to abide accepting Bonefos (for the bone). In accession May was started on Tamoxifen alpha March 2010.

In June 2010, May's larboard breast accustomed again. The oncologist did not anticipate chemotherapy was all-important but May was asked to abide with her Tamoxifen and Bonefos.

In July 2010 the bark colour of her larboard breast angry dark. A PET browse on 29 July 2010 adumbrated added FDG ardent action and this could represent an anarchic action of tumour activity. There was additionally added FDG uptake in the thymus. At this point, the oncologist appropriate a mastectomy.

On 2 September 2010, May had her larboard breast removed. There were some anguish infections afterwards the anaplasty and it took two months to recover. The histopathology adumbrated invasive ductal carcinoma, brand 2 with a few foci of ductal blight in-situ, aerial grade. Twelve of the 13 lymph nodes were absolutely infiltrated by cancerous beef with aggression into the surrounding Adipose tissue in 4 nodes.

On 20 October 2010, there was a slight abscess in May's appropriate breast abreast the nipple. Ultrasonography of the appropriate breast did not appearance annihilation wrong. May was assigned antibiotics. back there was no improvement, a aggravate biopsy was done on 27 October 2010. The appropriate breast tissue showed invasive ductal carcinoma.

The doctor appropriate mastectomy of the appropriate breast. This would be followed by radiation analysis for the larboard breast. There would additionally be radiation analysis for the appropriate breast afterwards the anguish has healed. Bonefos would be afflicted to Zometa.

A PET browse done on 10 November 2010 showed blight action in the appropriate breast.The cartilage lesions which were abiding afore had now become active. In appearance of this, the oncologist appropriate added chemotherapy.

May underwent 3 cycles of chemotherapy application a aggregate of 5-FU, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (FEC) calm with Zometa. The 3rd FEC aeon was completed on 14 January 2010.

How CA Care Got Into the Picture

On 3 November 2010, we accustomed this e-mail:

Hi Chris,
I am Don (not absolute name) and came beyond your website while analytic for some addition blight treatments. My wife was diagnosed with breast blight date 4 in February 2009. She had undergone chemo and aloof afresh did a mastectomy of her larboard breast. Unfortunately now her appropriate breast is additionally affected. Last anniversary the biopsy shows it is an invasive ductal carcinoma. Doctor is suggesting accession mastectomy but we are afraid as we don't anticipate it can help.
Can you advice us? How acceptable is your treatment? Can I accelerate you the letters for review?
Hope to apprehend from you soon.

On 14 January 2011 was accession e-mail:

Dear Chris,
I would like to appear to Penang and accommodated you to altercate apropos my wife. I accept got the latest browse after-effects with me. What are the canicule and time acceptable for you to see patients?

Actually afore these e-mails, Don came to our centre to aggregate some herbs but did not booty them due to abridgement of confidence. Then she started to accept her aboriginal chemo analysis and suffered astringent ancillary effects. She had headaches, acquainted abhorrent and was dizzy.

Before accepting her 2nd aeon of chemotherapy, May started to booty our Chemo-tea. The ancillary furnishings of this additional chemo analysis were bargain by about fifty percent. This congenital up her aplomb in our herbal teas. When May had her 3rd aeon of chemotherapy, she acquainted alike better.

The War Has Not Ended Yet - conceivably a "surge" is aloof about to begin

May was appointed to accept three added cycles of chemotherapy. This time the drugs to be acclimated are Taxotere additional Herceptin. May is declared to accept Herceptin indefinitely already every 3 weeks (but at atomic a year). May is additionally to accept Zometa already every 3 months.

From March 2010 to end of July 2010, May was on Tamoxifen. According to the oncologist back there was a recurrence, Tamoxifen was accordingly not effective. He is of the assessment that May should about-face to accession biologic - the newer bearing of aromatase inhibitor. But for the aromatase inhibitor to be able accommodating charge be in her menopause. So to accomplish this menopause, the oncologist appropriate abatement of May's ovaries.

Don (husband) came to our centre in Penang and told us the aloft adventure on 18 January 2011.

1. The Breast blight War - adorned apparatus additional bisected a actor ringgit

Most patients (especially those who never had the acquaintance of accepting a ancestors affiliate undergone medical analysis for cancer) accept the delusion that afterwards anaplasty / chemotherapy, their blight will go away. Unfortunately, this is far from actuality true. Read the afterward two quotations.

Amy Soscia, a blight accommodating said: There is no cure for metastatic breast cancer. It never goes away. You aloof move from analysis to treatment.

A acclaimed oncologist in Singapore wrote: Oncology is not like added medical specialties area accomplishing able-bodied is the norm. In oncology, alike assiduity a patient's activity for three months to a year is advised an achievement. Achieving a cure is like arresting a jackpot.

In a analysis entitled: In the End What Matters Most? A analysis of analytic Endpoints in Advanced Breast blight (Oncologist, January 2011; 16:25-35), Sunil Verma et al, wrote:

- Many Agents are actuality advised for the analysis of metastatic breast blight (MBC), yet few studies accept approved best all-embracing survival, the primary admeasurement of analytic account in MBC.
- Of the 73 appearance III MBC trials reviewed, a conspicuously baby admeasurement of trials approved a accretion in all-embracing adaptation continuance (12%, n = 9).

From the actual alpha May was told the treatments she accustomed were to alone ascendancy the bearings - and in this case, area is the control? Almost bisected a actor ringgit has been spent but May was not accepting any better. In actuality her action became worse. She is starting the additional appearance of accession action now that the blight had advance to the added breast, afterwards one had been removed. The war will go on. Based on the analysis cardboard appear in The Oncologist a anniversary ago, the all-embracing adaptation advantage due to chemotherapy could aloof be an illusion.

Can we not apprentice a assignment from May's experience? Albert Einstein said: Insanity is accomplishing the aforementioned affair over and over afresh and assured altered results.

2. absolute Commitment - do you absolutely accept in herbs?

Not all patients who appear to seek our advice accept in what we do. We are abutting in adage that It is not for us to "influence" you to chase our ways. This has to be absolutely your choice.

We are absolutely acquainted that afterwards spending bags of ringgit on the alleged scientific, high-tech treatments provided by the best accuracy in medicine, it is adamantine to accept that some roadside weeds could advice your cancer. To the accomplished apperception it seems like a big joke. So assertive in what we do is an important additive for success. Past statistics showed us that alone 30% of those who appear are absolutely Committed or accept in what we do.

3. Chemo-Tea Helped Her - she acquired added confidence

I told Don that I would be autograph this story. Otto von Bismarck wrote: A fool learns from experience. A astute man learns from the acquaintance of others. So the capital aim of autograph this adventure is to allotment May's acquaintance with others - conceivably those who ambition to apprentice would not accept to acquaintance agnate bitterness.
Some patients accept alike afore they experience, but others charge to acquaintance afore they can believe. It is a choice.

4. blight War - In a war, no one anytime wins!

Tragic belief about breast blight war abounds. But all is not lost. There are some patients who accept the audacity to say: "Chemo? No acknowledge you!" Many of them survived to acquaint their candied stories.

Let me abutting by commendation Dr. Bernard Jensen (in Empty Harvest): "While the bearings is dire, should abhorrence be the actual agitator for change? I don't anticipate so. For abhorrence is a ache in itself - a ache of the mind. Therefore, it is not out of fear, but courage, that flesh will be best able in abating bloom and harmony."

Breast Cancer: Fancy Gadget and Half A Million Ringgit Failed to Cure Her - What Now?

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